I had the good fortune to be a guest on the Pink Cloud 9â„¢ video podcast.
Host Katherine Salamanca is the bomb. She's a social media magician and the host of the podcast.
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Why Email Marketing Matters for Authors
Email Marketing is a Reliable Way to Grow and Engage Your Audience
Many authors ignore something that can really have a huge effect on their presence, their community, their book sales, and what happens beyond the book.
You may think this is old school and you might not even recognize the value. However, successful authors will tell you their email list is the number one reason. They have a community where they have been able to build engagement and sell more books, get booked, be a speaker and get more business.
If you’re a nonfiction author, an email list is something you develop. Cultivate your audience by inviting them into your world. And because an inbox is extremely intimate and personal, the distractions that happen on social media and all of the algorithms that keep tightening and ratcheting down so that unless you paid a play, you’re not being seen are eliminated the other beauty of an email list.
You can ask your audience what they want, find out more about the people you are reaching, and you can ask those folks to share your content. Providing information, and useful tips, and demonstrating your expertise 80 to 90% of the time is a benefit to you and your audience. And every once in a while, you can invite your readers to take action to learn more, sample, or purchase your book. You make a subtle call to action. Once you have established trust, let your subscribers know where to go to get your book, and you don’t have to be salesy.
You can curate other people’s content to share. Some of the most popular newsletters are sent out by experts. They research and gather information their audience wants. And they’re sharing that information with their commentary.
Keep your newsletter and emails short. Keep them easy to digest. None of us want to be overwhelmed with too much content. And, if you focus on the content, the appearance doesn’t have to be fancy. Clean, clear, concise, and consistent make sense with email.

Email Marketing Tools
You are sending a gift to your audience when you use email. And there are a lot of tools out there that’ll help you with your email. I happen to be a fan of Constant Contact for this reason. They offer live customer support by phone or text. They onboard new clients and provide training. There are experts like myself. I’m a certified Constant Contact service provider. Create landing pages, schedule social posts, and add links to videos, all from within your account.
Constant Contact now offers SMS messaging and appointment calendars. The tools are there to build a website or link to an existing website. If you want to sell, Shopify is part of the mix. There are a lot of integrations and great templates where you can get started.
And then from there, you can continue to customize your email so that it looks like you and your brand, whatever you do, even if you have a tiny email list, a service provider can help you now and as you grow your list. Whether it’s Constant Contact, Convertkit, LeadPages, find a service and get started.
If you would like to try Constant Contact, please use my affiliate link. I think trying out the service will let you know if it is the right option for you.
Email is an Invitation and a Gift
Find and use an email service provider that fits your style and your budget. Figure you’re going to spend about $50 a month for your email service provider. As a result of your investment, expect a return of $4.00 for every dollar spent.

Why Use an Email Service Provider
And the reasons you go through a service provider:
- you have to get permission to send people
- your content and those service providers make sure that emails are delivered
- They validate emails
- Keep you on the good side of the internet and your audience.
Authors pay attention. If you’ve been using your personal email, it’s probably time to step up your game and use a service provider to engage with your audience. You can create automated sequences that will go out. Once people opt-in, you can give them different options. There’s so much you can do.
And if you’ve got questions about using email, as part of your strategy to market you, your book, and your business, get in touch with me. I’m happy to talk to you and just answer your questions and then we’ll see from there, what your next steps are.
This is Judy Baker, Book Marketing Mentor
If you’d like to turn your content into cash let’s talk. Even if you’ve already published, your book audience can grow long after your launch. Go to bookmarketingmentor.com and sign up for a book buzz audit, and we’ll look at, what’s keeping you back from reaching your audience and getting the results you want with your book.
Judy M Baker
Book Marketing Mentor
Get More Bang for Your Book Without Going Broke or Crazy!
Schedule a book buzz audit for you, your book, and your business.
Author Spotlight on Patty Buccellato
Who is Patty Buccellato?
Certified image consultant Patty Buccellato embodies looking great on any stage. She works with individuals and organizations to enhance professionalism and authentic expression through color, clothing, and environments.
When people dress to express with congruence and confidence, they encourage others to know, like and trust what they have to say.
She makes it easy for women (and men) to shine at any age. When you look and feel your best, you attract people into your world.
Patty is a contributing author to Stepping Stones to Success, alongside Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Denis Waitley and other experts. Her chapter: “Driving Success with a Goal-Focused Image” describes how to leverage your appearance as a way to support your goals.
Connect with Patty
Get a free mini-course and start feeling more confident now
Go to https://www.bustyourstylerut.com/ and learn the fail-proof formula for dressing for your body type with ease and confidence.
You can connect with Patty via email at: patty@bustyourstylerut.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pattybuccellato/
Website: www.bustyourstylerut.com
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Book Buzz Audit
Do you need help with your book marketing? Schedule a book buzz audit with Judy.
Author Spotlight on Ulrika Brattemark
Who is Ulrika Brattemark?

Ulrika Brattemark is a joyful individual. We worked together on the support team for the Bay Area Consultants Network (BACN). We both love entertaining while educating our audience.
Ulrika is multilingual, loves the outdoors, keeping systems simple and effective, and has an affection for Pippi Longstocking.
She is a time management coach. Her focus is heart-centered solopreneurs who are seeking sustainable and fulfilling lives as they amplify their positive impact.
Ulrika brings decades of experience in multinational corporations to her work as an agile coach.
Her gentle style of coaching encourages experimentation and completion.
Enjoy getting to know Ulrika.
Playfully doing important work
Ulrika Brattemark
In our conversation, Ulrika reveals why most time-management systems fail and what you can do instead to have a life you love while doing work that matters.
Ulrika’s Three Pillars
- Inspired Intentions
- Aligned Action
- Ever-Evolving Experimentation
Connect with Ulrika Brattemark
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikabrattemark/

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Book Buzz Audit
Do you need help with your book marketing? Schedule a book buzz audit with Judy.
Author Spotlight on Judy Dang
Who is Judy Dang?
Judy is a Productivity Coach and first time author. Her book, Perfect Enough is a guide for Asian-American women on letting go of perfectionism so they can live from a place of enoughness.
Judy is the creator of The Goal Getter Formula©, a five-step process for getting clear on your top priorities and the action steps to achieving them with greater ease and confidence.
Judy Dang is a Ground Breaker
This interview was groundbreaking for me. Judy opted to help me by doing our Author Spotlight live on Facebook at the same time we recorded on Zoom. I had been reluctant to do a live spotlight and it was so much fun I am ready to do more of them live.
Judy embodies a willingness to take action, even without having a guarantee of what might happen.
We discuss book marketing do’s and don’ts. Judy participated in a program to write and publish her book in a year. The program included crowd funding to support her book, and build her audience. She exceeded her crowdfunding goals and the book is coming out in 2022.
I love how she uses an erasable white board for adding graphics with ease. Low tech can be your friend.
Judy’s Guiding Principles
- Be kind to yourself
- Small Steps
- Acknowledge what is working
- Build on each success
- Be Positive
- Ask for Help
- Stay Focused
- Get Outdoors
- Have Fun
Connect with Judy Dang
Avid at Work: https://avidatwork.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judydang/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/judydangsf

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Book Buzz Audit
Do you need help with your book marketing? Schedule a book buzz audit with Judy.
Author Spotlight on Howard Brown
Who is Howard Brown?
Howard is a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. Howard is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, author, speaker, volunteer, peacemaker, and health care advocate.
I met Howard through the JV Directory, a network of compassionate, collaborative dedicated people focused on business growth and support.
When I heard Howard’s story, it stopped me in my tracks. I am a stage III ovarian cancer survivor.
Looking on the bright side
What happens when you are faced with a health challenge that takes center stage? Howard made life-changing decisions and shares what matters most as he reframed his life.
It’s possible to find the bright side even in the worst of times. Being willing to be in the moment, focus on the good, ditch the negative, make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
Howard is an inspiration. He has a big message to share. His desire to connect with others facing the impact of cancer, including the families and people in the health care community, is making a difference.
Willing to Experiment
This interview was an experiment. Howard was willing and we went live on Facebook at the same time we recorded on Zoom.
Howard’s Guiding Principles
- Generosity
- Transparency
- Pay it Forward
- Building Community
- Be Positive
Connect with Howard
Shining Brightly – www.shiningbrightly.com coming out for pre-order on Amazon…in less than 30 days (2022).
Howard’s memoir is his first book. His editor and publisher is www.frontendpublishing.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/howardsbrown/

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Book Buzz Audit
Do you need help with your book marketing? Schedule a book buzz audit with Judy.
Author Spotlight on Salomie Chung
Salomie Chung Interview
Push S.T.A.R.T. Navigating the Path from Start-Up to Success
Our Conversation
Salomie Chung is a business coach. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs go from idea to a working business.

Salomie Chung Small Business Consulting – a Division of Prizm4 Enterprises LLC – is passionate about spotlighting the importance of small businesses to the economy. She supports entrepreneurship, product invention and development. She works with individuals with hobbies that are businesses in the making.
In this spotlight, with Salomie, we discuss how she helps aspiring entrepreneurs find the fastest way to cash and set up a business that can scale.
She loves to network and is developing a course around her book.

Category: Business Development
Connect with Salomie Chung
Connect with Salomie on LinkedIn
Visit her website
Many thanks to Salomie Chung for sharing her wisdom and enthusiasm for business success.
Sound Bites
Tuesday Tips for Authors
Sound Bites are Enticing Juicy Tidbits
Sound bites are small tidbits of conversation that quickly capture a thought and can be used as clips. Originally sound bites were something that came out of the news cycle.
I want you to think about the soundbite you create each time you’re speaking about what you do about your book, about your business, about what is important to you.
“Marketing is a conversation.”
Judy M. Baker, Book Marketing Mentor
One of my soundbites: “marketing is a conversation.” Think about your conversation with your audience and how quick and clear you can deliver that message.

Who Are You Speaking to?

Speak to your audience.
If you’re not able to quickly articulate what your book is about, what your business is about, who you serve and what you can do for them, keep practicing.
More About Sound Bites
YourDictionary.com/sound-bite expands on the definition of a sound bite.
Tuesday Tip for Authors
This is your Tuesday Tip from Book Marketing Mentor Judy Baker. I help busy business authors turn their content into cash without going broke or crazy.
You can find me at https://bookmarketingmentor.com.
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Author Spotlight on Debra Eckerling
About the Book: Your Goal Guide, a Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals
Your Goal Guide a Roadmap for Setting Planning and Achieving Your Goals has a road trip theme. The first half of the book goes through D.E.B. the second half, gives you Strategies for Success.
Show Notes
Welcome, this is Judy Baker Book Marketing Mentor and this is Author Spotlight, and I am so privileged today to have Debra Eckerling as my guest. And you have an amazing book.
Debra: I would love to, well first thank you so much for having me. It’s always such a pleasure to see you and I’m thrilled to be talking with you today about my book, Your Goal Guide, a Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals.
I am the founder of the Deb Method, which is my system for goal setting simplified.
My background is in communication and project management, and because of my goal group, people would say, “Hey, Deb, you’re good at this. Can I hire you to help me get my book done finish this project start this project make a plan…I was meant to do, which is to help people figure out what they want and how to get it, so they can live a more fulfilling life and, in turn, impact others people’s lives. So, I rebranded myself the Deb Method worked, the system works perfectly with what I’ve been teaching for years.
The book came out in 2020 through Mango Press.
You, Your Book, Your Business
Judy: you’re perfect example of a busy entrepreneur who has a nonfiction book that is part of their business, but it’s not the only thing that you do.
How has the book, enhanced your business?
Debra: when you have a book, You can help so many more people.
I do workshops, or you can just get my book because it will walk you through my foundational process. And it will also give you tips to set yourself up for success.
Books Like Yours
Judy: If I was to ask you to name three books that are like yours, what would they be?
Debra: The Artist’s Way is definitely one of those if you love the artist way, grab your goal, guys. Atomic Habits (James Clear), because my book is like my motto goal setting simplified. So it’s very easy to read, very practical user friendly advice. The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris, in terms of creating the life you want.

Connect with Debra Eckerling
- thedebmethod.com/keep
- http://thedebmethod.com/debcember/
- info@the debmethod.com
- thedebmethod.com/contact
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Author Spotlight on Nancy Juetten
Who is Nancy Juetten?
Nancy Juetten is the author of Bye Bye Boring Bio Workbook: Everything you need to know and prepare to show up powerfully and in a client-magnetic way to potential clients, collaborators, podcast hosts, and influencers!
In this 30-minute interview, Nancy shares tips and stories about how she wrote the book, how she is using the book in her business, and demonstrates the qualities of a brilliant guest.
Listen, watch, and learn how you can share your stories with impact and authenticity.
Nancy’s 6 P’s of Presenting Like a Pro
- Prepare
- Position
- Prioritize
- Pitch
- Ping-Pong
- Profit
Her Guiding Principles
- Generosity
- Deliver Extreme Value to Your Clients
- Commit to Mastery
Connect with Nancy
Podcast Visibility Live Lab
Join Podcast Guesting Success Expert Nancy Juetten to learn how-to details and ninja strategies you can adapt these methods as you own so you can use your voice to attract more of the right people to flock to your business to benefit from how you serve!
This high-value and free multi-day virtual training runs June 6 – June 14, 2022.

Website: www.getknowngetpaid.com
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Book Buzz Audit
Do you need help with your book marketing? Schedule a book buzz audit with Judy.