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Author Spotlight on Patty Buccellato
Who is Patty Buccellato?
Certified image consultant Patty Buccellato embodies looking great on any stage. She works with individuals and organizations to enhance professionalism and authentic expression through color, clothing, and environments.
When people dress to express with congruence and confidence, they encourage others to know, like and trust what they have to say.
She makes it easy for women (and men) to shine at any age. When you look and feel your best, you attract people into your world.
Patty is a contributing author to Stepping Stones to Success, alongside Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Denis Waitley and other experts. Her chapter: “Driving Success with a Goal-Focused Image” describes how to leverage your appearance as a way to support your goals.
Connect with Patty
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Go to and learn the fail-proof formula for dressing for your body type with ease and confidence.
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